Macroinvertebrate Sampling & Identification

BEC Consultants have expertise in carrying out freshwater macroinvertebrate sampling in habitats such as rivers, streams, lakes and canals using standard methods. This sampling can be part of field surveys for Ecological Impact Assessments, Appropriate Assessments, Biological Water Quality Assessments (Q-values) and the investigation of specific pollution incidents. Macroinvertebrate species identification is carried out in our dedicated laboratory using standard identification keys and following our in-house Quality Management System.

In addition to the description of the macroinvertebrate community, surveys can include targeted sampling of species for toxin-in-biota analysis (e.g. Mercury in Gammarus spp.). In these cases, samples are preserved appropriately and sent to an external laboratory for analysis and reporting.

John Brophy, BEC Consultants’ freshwater specialist, holds a Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Species Identification Qualification (IdQ) from the Natural History Museum, London and is an EPA-registered Small Streams Risk Score (SSRS) operator. This ensures high-quality work in relation to species identification.